Saturday, 28 September 2013

About the Film industry - Skillset

About the Film industry - Skillset

Reading this webpage get to know more about filming.

From what i understand, film industry refer to six different component which are Development, Production, Facilities, Distribution, Exhibition and Export. I will mainly focus on production part without ignoring the others. Production carry high percentage in the whole process as the quality of end product is depend on this stage.

Somehow, production involves several major stages : Development, Pre-production, Production and Post-Production. Scenic design majorly will be at the pre-production and post-production part. According to wikipedia, the team involved are a lot and all are depend on the production budget.

This website is an educational website providing training and course for people to sign up for better filmmaking in UK. As I conclude in this short writing, I can say that the education on filming is very important to develop a good film because we need the skills to project our creativity in filming.

p/s:- cant find any similar website for Malaysian by Malaysian, hence local production mostly cannot go to international level.

1 comment:

  1. These are all interesting background research, but you need to start looking for more relevant information that ties to architecture or interior design. Perhaps you can look at digital sets as well as traditionally designed sets.
